Pastor & Youth Pastor:

J-Life Africa believes that the church has been established by Christ to bring hope to the lost and a light to the world. We exist FOR the local church. Our passion is to empower leaders at local churches across the country to reach out in relevant ways to this generation of young people. We do not operate in isolation from the church, we train leaders and place them in local churches to minister and impact youth for Christ.

How can we help you?

Training and service opportunity for your young adults:

Do you know of any young adults who have a passion for God and a desire for ministry experience and training? J-Life is an opportunity for them to commit a year of their life to serving God, reaching out to youth and to be trained in relevant, Christ-centered disciple making ministry. If you have a passion to empower your young adults to serve effectively and impact youth for Christ, J-Life is the perfect opportunity! Click here to learn more about the J-Life 1-year program.


Training for your youth worker:

Do you have a youth worker at your church that has a passion for youth but needs to be trained for effective disciple-making youth ministry? J-Life offers them an opportunity for them to commit 2 months to be in residence with other trainees and to gain intensive training in relevant, Christ-centered disciple making ministry. After receiving training through J-Life , they can effectively implement what they have learned at your church. Training and mentoring will produce significantly greater ministry results. If you see the need for them to be empowered to serve at your church, J-Life is the perfect opportunity!


J-Life service internship at your church:

Do you have a heart for youth and a need for effective disciple making youth ministry at your church? J-Life can send a ministry team (made up of 3-4 interns) to be hosted by your church for up to 9 months of service. Your church will receive fully trained youth workers that can establish and build a Christ-centered, disciple making youth ministry. The J-Life ministry team will train and empower leaders within your church to continue the work of reaching out to your local community and impacting youth for Christ.

Contact us to discuss the possibility of hosting a J-Life ministry team.

Click here to download the Church Host cover page.
HOST app Cover pg.doc
Microsoft Word document [76.0 KB]
Click here to download the Church Host Application.
HOST application.doc
Microsoft Word document [138.5 KB]
Click here to download the Church Host Manual.
Microsoft Word document [156.0 KB]


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